Boost signal slot thread safe

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QGlib - GStreamer BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (static_cast< int >(Signal::RunFirst)==static_cast< int > ... If PassSender is specified, the slot passed to connect() will receive as the first .... Include to use this function; This function is thread-safe. An introduction to Boost Signals | Studio Freya 13 May 2018 ... In our game Burnt Islands we use boost::signals very extensively. ... That's the one which is safe to use with threads, which is very important when you're making ... typedef registration_manager::slot_type registration_request;. How To Really, Truly Use QThreads; The Full Explanation | Maya's ... 1 Nov 2011 ... Use a mutex or other method to safely communicate with the thread if necessary. ... You set up the proper signal/slot connections to make it quit ..... case I'd be inclined to use an alternate threading library, such as that of Boost. Slots - ROS Wiki -

I have some problems designing a Signal/Slot system in C++11. My main design goals are: simple but still offering some features and thread safe. My personal opinion on a Signal/Slot system is that emitting should be as fast as possible. Because of that I try to keep the slot list inside the signal tidy.

Each signal object default-constructs a Mutex object to protect its internal state. Furthermore, a Mutex is created each time a new slot is connected to the ... boost - Safe Cross Thread Signals/Slot C++ - Stack Overflow It seem that the only implementation that provide Safe Cross-Thread Signals for both the Signal class and what's being called in the slot is QT. (Maybe I'm wrong?). Chapter 30. Boost.Signals2 - 1.61.0 This documentation describes a thread-safe variant of the original Boost.Signals library. There have been some changes to the interface to support thread-safety ...

Helloworld922's Blog: Thread-Safe Signals/Slots using C++11

boost - Safe Cross Thread Signals/Slot C++ - Stack Overflow It seem that the only implementation that provide Safe Cross-Thread Signals for both the Signal class and what's being called in the slot is QT. (Maybe I'm wrong?). Chapter 30. Boost.Signals2 - 1.61.0 This documentation describes a thread-safe variant of the original Boost.Signals library. There have been some changes to the interface to support thread-safety ...

Safe Cross Thread Signals/Slot C++

Does the signal match the slot-signature when (dis)connecting a signal? Is the function really a member of the object when (dis)connecting member functions? Are you trying to connect a temporary object which is not a functor? Did you specifiy a label when connecting a temporary functor or lambda? Boost-Commit mailing page: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r48933 ... Previous message: fmhess_at_[hidden]: "[Boost-commit] svn:boost r48932 - in sandbox/thread_safe_signals/trunk: boost boost/signals boost/signals2 boost/signals2/detail boost/thread_safe_signals libs/signals2 libs/signals2/test libs/thread_safe_signals"

20 Aug 2015 ... While Qt signal/slot is the moc driven signaling system of Qt (which you can ... This allows to use 3rd party libraries which use these terms, e.g. boost::signal. Qt signal/slot implementation is thread safe, so that you can use it to ...

Boost: what exactly is not threadsafe in Boost.Signals? - Stack ... Oct 20, 2011 ... Boost.signals2 wants to be a 'thread safe signals' library. ... thread which is iterating through the slots attached to those signals to crash". Messaging and Signaling in C++ - Meeting C++ Aug 20, 2015 ... While Qt signal/slot is the moc driven signaling system of Qt (which you can ... This allows to use 3rd party libraries which use these terms, e.g. boost::signal. Qt signal/slot implementation is thread safe, so that you can use it to ...

Thread: struct type object with signal/slot method - Qt Centre Apr 19, 2017 ... Thread: struct type object with signal/slot method ..... STL or boost algorithms that operate on containers that implement random iterator access.